Yasmin Pessoa

Raleigh NC, USA

Raleigh NC, USA

Raleigh NC, USA

Raleigh NC, USA

Raleigh NC, USA




23 Apr. 2024

23 Apr. 2024

23 Apr. 2024

Design Engineering

Design Engineering

Design Engineering

Hi there, Yasmin! Could you briefly introduce yourself and tell us what you do?

Howdy! I’m currently a Design Engineer at Vercel, where I design, illustrate, and build web interfaces. In my free time, I also make digital 3D art. I’m a bit of a design generalist, though I tend to enjoy designing the most when it involves the internet.

How did your journey to becoming a designer begin?

When I was seven, I'd go on this website Neopets, where you could adopt these alien-like virtual pets. I came across their HTML/CSS tutorial, where you could design and build webpages for each of your pets. It immediately scratched an itch in my brain I didn't know I had.

What do you enjoy most about working as a designer?

I love problem-solving. Specifically, that moment when you’ve been iterating towards a solution, and you suddenly get an idea that just clicks. Those little eureka moments are so exciting. It’s like when you finally crack open a piñata.

What do you hate the most about it?

Since I have to think about design so often, I’m always noticing bad design when I come across it. I’ll just be walking outside with my friends and I’ll notice a house that features some questionable design decision, and it’ll drive me crazy for a bit.

Could you share a tip with other designers?

Be focused, but never too focused — keep your inspirations varied and experiment with new media and disciplines.

Let's dive into the juicy stuff:

A font

A color





A movie

The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers

A place

Wrigley Field

Wrigley Field

Wrigley Field

Wrigley Field

Based in

Raleigh NC, USA


Design Engineering

Current company


A tool


If you weren't a designer

Guitar luthier

Guitar luthier

Guitar luthier

Personal site


Valerie Downs

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